Learn To Draw a Walrus the Easy Way

Hey listen, I get it. Learning how to draw a walrus can be difficult. Where does the head go? What shape is the tail? Where do I draw the flippers? With all these difficult questions, learning how to draw a walrus can sometimes be very frustrating.

But guess what…

I’ve widdled it down to 8 easy steps to cut the confusion and make learning to draw a walrus easy and enjoyable. Draw the walrus below and get one step closer to being the crappy cartoonist you’ve always wanted to be.

Step 1 | Draw the Walrus’s Body

The first thing that you are going to want to do is draw the basic shape of the walrus. I start at the tail and do an “S” curve upwards towards the mouth. When I’m drawing the mouth I draw a soft “W” and bring the middle line up so it looks like it overlaps. Then I draw a big wide “U” under everything. Starting at the tail I draw a line down, then right, then up till it meets the mouth.

Step 2 | Draw the Walrus’s Tail

This ones easy, draw two humps that closes off the open space at the back. If the letter analogies are working for you, think of it as an “M.” A wide short goofy shaped “M.”

Step 3 | Draw The Walrus’s Flippers

To draw a walrus flipper it helps to think of it as a “U.” I draw two little lines at the top of the “U” to give him a little fat roll. Then I draw the other flipper and let the body overlap most of it.

Step 4 | Draw The Walrus’s Teeth

Now the walrus needs some teeth. It helps to think of them as a long skinny “U.” Just stick one under each cheek.

Step 5 | Draw The Walrus’s Eyes and Whiskers

Go ahead and give the walrus an eye so he can see. I chose to give him a circle with a large dot in the center with some highlights, but you could just do dots if you want. I just randomly scratched in some whiskers cuz I think walrus’s have whiskers.

Step 6 | Scratch in Some Details

Now its time to scratch in some details. Think about were the walrus would be scratched up and add some scratches there. It could be anywhere really. You decide.

Step 7 | Finish The Walrus Drawing

Time to clean up our walrus and make him look nice. Ink him up, and erase all your pencil marks.

Step 8 | Color the Walrus Drawing

Now you can color him with markers, or what ever.

Thanks for stickin’ around this long. I’m sure you’re a pro walrus drawer now!!! But don’t stop here I have all sorts of other gnarly how to draw tutorials, so go check them out.

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