Hey guys, today I’m going to teach you how to draw a fat cat in 5 simple dimple steps. My drawings are pretty simple and just require you to know how to draw basic shapes. This is basically what we’re gonna do so if you don’t wanna read just check out the next image.

Step one | Draw the Shape

The first thing ur gonna wanna do is draw a weird oval (the cats body). Then I’ll kinda square off the side that’s gonna be his head and put two triangles on top for ears. This will give you the main shape of the fat cat we’re drawing.

Step 2 | Draw the Cats Face

The next thing you’re gonna wanna do is draw the cats face. I usually start with an upside down triangle for his nose. After that Draw his cheeks and chin. I use two elongated ovals for the cheeks and a half circle for the chin. You can use what ever shapes you like. Then I ad two half circles above the mouth to represent the eyes.

Step 3 | Draw the Cats Legs

After I’ve added the face, I draw the legs. The legs are just weird noodle shapes cuz I suck at drawing hands and feet (its easier to just draw noodles).

Step 4 | Give the Cat a Tail

All cats need tails for balance, or whatever. So we’ll add one to our fat cat at this point. Much like the legs, the tail is just a noodle shape. This one will of course be longer and come out the back of the cat. Cat tails wiggle in weird ways so get creative with ur noodle tails.

Step 5 | Give him Some Pillows to Lay on

In the final step we gotta give this cat something comfy to lay on. So I’ll draw some pillows under him. These are pretty basic squares. I make um a little bumpy so they look comfy. Then I’ll add two half circles that overlap the cats back. This will make it look like he’s sinking into the pillow.

Now you can draw a fat lazy cat!! If you liked this cat drawing tutorial make sure you check my other drawing tutorials. If you can’t get enough of my art style you can also check out my shop to buy stickers, pins, prints and original art work.