How to Draw a Cartoon Ghost
Learn to Draw a Cartoon Ghost the Easiest way Tutorial
If you clicked on this because you want to learn how to draw a cartoon ghost, then you are in the right place.
If not…. Then I can’t help you.
I’ve done years of research and tests to figure out the easiest way to draw a cartoon ghost. I know you don’t wanna do all that, and that’s why I’ve broken it down into 4 easy to follow steps. So that even YOU can learn to be a crappy cartoonist just like me.
Step 1: Draw the Ghost’s Body
We can draw the start of a ghost body with one simple line. Just draw an arched line. See how easy that was? You’re already one step closer to learning how to draw a ghost!!

Step 2: Draw the Ghost Feet
This Ghost needs some feet. Ghost feet are kinda funny, in that; they don’t really look like feet. A wavy line makes the perfect ghost feet. Awesome, now this ghost can float around and scare people.

Step 3: Draw a Ghost Face
The next thing this ghost needs is a face. I like a cute face. So, that’s the direction i went. You can go which ever way you want. Some people like to draw scary ghosts and that’s ok.

Step 4: Scratch That Ghost up!!
This step is always optional, but I like it (it’s one of my favorite steps). Add scratches to the ghost. It will give a sense of subtle texturing that will trick people into thinking you are really good at drawing.

Bonus Step: Color and Shade
Bonus step is always the same. Ghosts are pretty easy to color. They don’t even need to be white. After that, pick a light source and keep it in mind as you shade and highlight this little ghost.

There you have it. Now you know how to draw a cartoon ghost, and just in time for halloween too. Heck, you’re prolly even better than me at this point.
Thanks for checking this little drawing tutorial out. If you liked it and wanna learn to draw more things go check out the how to draw section of my website.
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