Sketchin’ on a Budget: The No-Nonsense Pencil for Doodlers

How to Pick the Best Pencil for YOU!!

Alright, listen up, fellow doodlers and sketch aficionados! 

Today, I’m gonna talk about pencils, cutting through the fancy jargon to find the real MVP for those who just wanna draw stuff. We’re talking cheap, effective, and erasable – the holy trinity of pencil greatness.

In case you don’t wanna read 500 words, all you need to actually know is that the best pencil is dirt-cheap, sketches like a champ, and lets you erase screw ups easily.

1. Dirt-Cheap 

Let’s not kid ourselves; art supplies can be pricey. 

But guess what? 

Your ideal pencil doesn’t have to be. Grab yourself some Staedtler or Ticonderoga – solid options that won’t make your wallet weep. Because you don’t gotta be rich to create masterpieces.

2. Sketches Like a Champ 

Let’s talk about what I use, a No. 2 pencil.  It’s a timeless classic in the world of scribbling and sketching.  It’s been my go-to since elementary school and I still use it today.

But, if you are looking to get fancy…

Try exploring various art pencils with different lead grades, from soft 2Bs to hard 4Hs, can add a lot of nuance to your artistic toolkit. 

It doesn’t really matter whether you keep it simple with a No. 2 or venture into pencil diversity, just find the tool that works best for you.

3. Erase Those Mistakes

Let’s face it, we all mess up. The real hero here is the pencil that lets you fix your blunders without drama. 

I really like to have a pencil with a built-in eraser.  That way I don’t have to keep track of a separate kneaded eraser.  (another pro for the No. 2 pencil if you ask me)

I just make sure the eraser doesn’t leave smudges or tear up my paper.  If you go with the pencils I mentioned above you won’t run into any problems. 

When it comes to putting pencil to paper, you don’t need the fancy stuff. Your go-to pencil is the one that fits your budget, lays down lines like a boss, and lets you clean up your messes. 

It’s the unsung hero in your arsenal – affordable, effective, and ready to turn your wild doodles into something sick.