Learn how to Draw a Lucky Goblin Head The Easiest Way Drawing Tutorial

One of my favorite things to draw is Lucky Goblin Heads. I draw them all the time, but when I first started drawing goblin heads, I was lost. There were all these body parts like eye’s, a nose, ears, and teeth. How was I supposed to figure out where to put them all? It actually took me years of trial and error to master the art of drawing lucky goblin heads.

And lucky for you…

I’ve boiled it down to 10 easy steps, and I’m going to share those with you today. So if you’re ready, start reading (or checking out the fancy new .gifs) and get one step closer to being the crappy cartoonist you’ve always wanted to be.

Step 1 | Draw a Circle

Shapes are gonna be your best friend. It always helps to think in terms of shapes rather than outlines.

And our first shape is…

You guessed it, a circle. This is going to be the skull of our goblin head.

Step 2 | Draw The Goblin Eyes

Our goblin needs to see. So, let’s give him some eyes.

Remember that shape from earlier?

You’re probably a pro a drawing them by now. So draw two smaller circles on top of the previous circle, and now our goblin will be able to see.

Step 3 | Give Him Some Eyebrows

I usually give my characters these little eyebrow things. I feel like it helps to ground the eyes to the head. With out them the eyes kinda seem to float in front of the face.

Step 4 | Draw a Goblin Nose

Goblins gotta smell right?

Well then let’s give him a nose. As you can see, there are a ton different nose styles to choose from. So choose one, and draw it on.

Step 5 | Now Our Goblin Needs a Mouth

The next thing we’re gonna draw is the main mouth shape. I chose to have his jaw hanging super low, cuz I like that. You could draw it closed if you want and skip a couple of steps.

We all make mistakes…

I originally drew his bottom lip too thick. So, I had to erase and thin them out a little.

Step 6 | Lets Give Our Goblin Some Teeth

I always love drawing teeth for some reason.


I gave this goblin dood eight sharp teeth.

Step 7 | Finish up the Mouth

Time to finish up the mouth. To do this, we’ll give him a tongue and color everything behind it black.

Step 8 | Our Goblin Needs an Ear

The next thing I do is give him ears, incase he wants to wear sunglasses. Make sure you don’t make his lobe to long, like I did.

Step 9 | Lets Give Him a Chin and Neck Stub

Then next thing our goblin needs is a chin. So, draw that in. You can make it as pointy or as round as you want, you can even give him a butt chin.

I like to give the goblin a neck stub as well. This makes it look like some brave warrior has just lopped the goblins head off.

Step 10 | Scratch Him up and Add Some Detail

Last but not least, add some details. I like to really scratch him up and make it look like he went through a crazy battle before getting his head lopped off.

Bonus Step | Ink and Color Your Goblin

I chose to color this guy red. I also gave him some extra bumps on his face. His ears weren’t looking quite gobliny enough so I made them a little pointier as well.

Thanks for stickin’ around this long. You’re probably better at drawing goblin heads than me by now!!! But don’t stop here I have all sorts of other gnarly how to draw tutorials, so go check them out.

I tried something new with the gifs on this “how to.” I thought it would be easier if you could see how I actually go about drawing this stuff. Let me know if you liked this better or if I should keep doing it the old way.

But wait, there’s more…

I also have a cool digital store that you can purchase printsstickers, and other original art. So if you like my art, you can help me pay my bills by buying it there.