How to Draw a Jack-o-lantern
Learn to Draw a Cartoon Jack-o-lantern the Easiest way Tutorial
Well, it’s that spooky time of year again (halloween).
and we all know what that means…
It’s time to bust out a pen or pencil and learn to draw a cartoon jack-o-lantern the easiest way tutorial. <—(organic keyword placement) I’ve broken it down into 4 easy to follow steps. Continue reading and soon YOU will be a master at drawing jack-o-lanterns.
Step 1: Draw a Circle
I’m kinda big on simple shapes. The simpler the shape, the easier it is to draw. Everything is made out of shapes. Even this jack-o-lantern.
A simple circle makes a great pumpkin…
Don’t worry about making the circle perfect. Pumpkins are kinda lumpy and lop sided and your circle should be too.

Step 2: Draw a Stem
Pumpkins need stems. So, lets draw one of those. I chose a rounded off square to represent the stem. Just trying to keep it simple.

Step 3: Time to Carve this Pumpkin
Carve some eyes and a mouth into the pumpkin. I did circles for eyes, and gave him a happy face. Feel free to make him scary, if that’s what your into.
Oh wow…
We’ve finally got a Jack-o-lantern!! You can stop here if you want, or keep going if you wanna add a few details to the drawing.

Step 4: Add the Details
I like to scratch my drawings up. Makes them look a little less perfect, and can sometimes hide mistakes. Use mine as a reference, but go crazy and add what ever scratches and scares you want.

Bonus Step: Color and Shade
Same as always. Try to think about all the colors a pumpkin can come in then choose one. I went with orange. After that, I chose a light direction, and added the shadows and highlights with that in mind.

If you made it this far I truly appreciate you. Make sure you check out all other how to draw tutorials. I add one every week.
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